Fizzlebit category
December Coloring Pages of Winter Magic!
It’s December, holy crap! I’m not sure what happened to 2015. It might be partly due to the fact I spent a chunk of it stuck in a Rapunzel-ish situation in which I had a busted leg and was stuck 3 stories up in an apartment. In any case, being December means its time to fill your walls with some wintery, Christmasy coloring page goodness! This month features Fizzlebit and Gregory being entirely too much of best friends for being associated with two kids that don’t get along….
Plus, Lydia and Fizzlebit finding a giant, delightful mug of hot cocoa to enjoy.
As the usual, you can find more coloring pages over here on the Extras page.
An early notice! Fizzlebit will be taking a break the last two weeks of December. This allows for family visits, holiday travels, and maybe a mild suggestion to folks to get off the Internet and interact with Family and Friends….but mostly I will be traveling and visiting 🙂