Is Gregory a Dynamic Pet?

Published in on by Lindsay

I think his eyes are connected to his ears.

One of the advantages of cell phones having cameras built into them (or maybe just that my camera happens to be my phone) is documenting strange animal art. Specifically, the stuff that shows up in the pet aisle when I’m grocery shopping.

This was the side art to a box/stand of….er, I guess ham bones. I don’t know sometimes with the stuff they sell as dog treats / toys. What I do know is that this is no ordinary canine!

Look at that face! Look at those elbows! Look at how his eyes float several inches above his knobby head! Sometimes I don’t always trust the package, but I don’t think this guy would endorse any sort of pretend ham product – only a Real Ham Bone. Them’s big bones from a real ham! They have to be!

I’m sure they’re delicious.

No Monday comic

Published in on by Lindsay

Spent the weekend visiting with family from out of town, so there is no comic for today. Rather than rush through it and post it late today or Tuesday, I’m saving that page for Thursday. But here is a Fuzzy Fizzlebit for today.