More video game penguins – Katamari Forever

Published in on by Lindsay

Some of the smallest penguins in Katamari Forever appear as keychains.

So I’m a sucker for Katamari. If you’ve never played it before, it’s pretty awesome. Simply put, you are the tiny Prince, your dad is the King of the Cosmos, and on occasion he breaks the universe. You use the Katamari to roll up all sorts of stuff to fix all those stars and planets and Big Bangs he broke.

My favorite part about Katamari, besides how strangely addictive it is, would be the weird scenery that accompanies the different levels. In Katamari Forever, you’re able to take photos during the levels and save them outside of the game, something I’ve always wanted to do in past Katamari games to document the bizarre things that show up. Not only that, but the levels are split between the King of the Cosmos and Robo-King. Most of the new levels appear with Robo-King, and some of the favorite levels from past Katamaris appear with the King, with the added element of black and white levels until you’ve rolled up at least one of every object, knocking the color back.

Penguins at the grill

A penguin in the background ignoring a dangling couple

Penguins have been showing up in Katamari since the first game, but the delightful Queen Natasha makes a debut as a giant, obscenely round penguin hanging out in the Arctic once your Katamari is big enough to roll up chunks of land.

Queen Natashas overlooking the black and white ocean

Queen Natashas hanging out in COLOR.

Meanwhile, Gregory and The Skippy Scouts are notated in the Cast page for those that need a refresher on who they are.

2010 Dinosaur Christmas Ornaments

Published in and tagged , , on by Lindsay

Holiday scheduling is over! Back to two pages a week, Monday-Thrusday-ish, starting tomorrow!

Before Christmas is too far in the past, here are the designs from the 2010 Christmas Dinos that James and I Shrinky-Dinked into ornamentdom with the notes of who drew/inked/colored what.

Yeah dinosaurs!

I spent the last few days finalizing the last few template changes to Webcomic 3 that have been needing fixed on the site and switched it over on Saturday. There may or may not be some slightly off things leftover that I’ll be tweaking to satisfy my OCD for web layout.