Page 44 wraps up the crazy ride of chapter 4 for Fizzlebit. This chapter ended up taking a few more pages that I originally scripted, but when you script “Fizzlebit and a mecha Gregory have fisticuffs” for a page, you realize you need to expand on that. (Maybe it wasn’t that exact  line, but it was pretty close). Stay tuned for a few silly gag-comic style Fizzlebreaks, which will help give a nice little chapter buffer between this chapter and chapter 5 as I set the script for chapter 5 into motion.
I’m also wrapping up the last few pages for  Swimmin’ Mole necessary for a pitch and will post those once they’re all scanned proper. I occasionally snap some work-in-progress photos and send them to the internet using that Twitter thing. If you’re on the Twitters, you can follow me and see those lovely snapshots when they happen.