Find me at Wizard World Nashville!

Published in on by Lindsay

I will have a table at Wizard World Nashville! If you live near Nashville or will be in the area October 18 – 20th, you should totally go! The convention Wizard World put on in St. Louis back in March was wonderfully run and had all sorts of delightful convention activities, most of which I missed because I stay behind a booth selling swag and drawing for people. 🙂

I’m looking to have a new, full-color mini comic for the convention, if it doesn’t punch me in the face and knock me out first. There will be puppies, and they will be Princesses. <3 I’ll also have other minis, charms, and more!

When it gets closer to the con, I will make every effort to post the general table-area location where I’ll be. Although sometimes that changes at the last minute, but if you follow me on Twitter, I’ll update on there as well. HOLY SMOKES! I have a Twitter! (A lot of it is me yelling at pro-wrestling)

Vote for my Squishable Donkey design in Project: Open Squish!

Published in on by Lindsay

So, I have a design up for vote on‘s Open Squish project!

Squishable is a purveyor of fine, round, fuzzy squishable stuffed toys that are delightful. I have several of them, including a T-Rex named Lima Bean.

The contest runs for 2 weeks total (now at 11 days and less than 7 hours, AAAHH!) with several submitted Squishable designs of various types. If I get enough high votes, then my squishy Donkey gets turned into a real-life Squishable for sale on the website! I would pull on his cute little ears all day, and so could you!

Wouldn't you like this sqiushy long-eared fellow? Give him a vote then at the link above!

Wouldn’t you like this sqiushy long-eared fellow? Give him a vote then at the link above!

My first entry is below – it was a Chinese Dragon. I received helpful feedback that he was a bit too complex for plush form (I did go kinda spike/hair crazy). Unfortunately, another Chinese dragon was submitted before I could alter this this and won. But it was cute too!

My first Squishable submission, a lil' on the spikey side.

My first Squishable submission, a lil’ on the spikey side.

Anyhow, you have until August 16th at 11:59 p.m. to vote. You can do so by:

– Clicking the big green “Ready to Vote? Sign In” button next to the design
– Creating a Squishable login OR using the Login with Facebook function (which I used, quite successfully)
– Then after you have logged in, give him a score!

There is an odd thing with logging in using the top menu Login link, so I recommend using the green button, as most people I have seen try have had it login much more successfully than the login at the top. Hopefully that will get itself straightened out.  In any case, please vote when you have a chance and maybe you can take home a squishy donkey designed by me!