Mom’s information is now added to the cast page! She’s kinda makin’ a mean face, but she’s really quite nice.
I found that I had ridiculously broken the way blog posts displayed and navigated in WordPress when I moved things about, so I reset the single posts and front page to it’s default. This has put the comments back on, which I suppose I don’t mind too much. The main reason I had for removing the commentary code was so it wouldn’t have a lot of text under the pages, text that shows up when comments are disabled, which I really only wanted disabled to avoid the buckets of spam that shows up when you have any sort of WordPress-run site with comments turned on. I’ve already gotten my first one since resetting the code!
I feel like I should mention that Fizzlebit is a lot of different learning experiences, and one of them is using WordPress for the first time. I’m also catching up on CSS web design layout, which makes things infinitely faster to update design-wise. The combination of WordPress’s PHP and the fact that I don’t know where everything winds up at in the Dashboard has been tricky. I’m used to editing pages and FTPing them up into Internet-land. The structure of WordPress’s themes and the administration files needed to make the backend function have kind of thrown me off-balance, but I am starting to get the hang of it.
In short, if you spot things floating somewhere weird or something crooked, that’s me learnin’.