Chapter four available as purchaseable PDF! Princess Pups comics for reading!

Published in on by Lindsay

Cover for Fizzlebit Chapter Four PDF!

The end of chapter four happened Monday; dang, was it crazy! For your convenience and reading delight, you can now buy chapter four in handy PDF format, complete with extra comics and an alternate ending! Check it out over at the Gumroad store.

Meanwhile the next chapter of Fizzlebit is in its early stages and being worked out. This next chapter won’t be as long as the last one, but needs some finalizing before it gets its suitable for drawing and shoving onto The Internet.

While waiting on chapter five, you can read new Princess Pups comics via Tapastic! If you haven’t used Tapastic before, I recommend signing up for an account. They have a pretty nice mobile app, and they give you the ability to subscribe to comics published through their system, which is super handy because it lets you know of updates and remember what comic you left off on in a series! Pretty dang rad.

There will still be monthly coloring pages while I work on the next Fizzlebit chapter, plus some blog posts, including a special new feature: pet toy reviews! Sneak Peak: Cat toys are hit-or-miss or tend to be something bought because The Human thought it was cute.