As some of you may be aware, I rebooted Fizzlebit back in August of last year. The main idea was to get the story flowing the way it needed to, refocus parts that had lost their way, and patch some holes that kept me from making the connections I needed in later chapters. Part of this involved changing the way comic updates were posted, using updates based on jokes/story elements happening instead of always doing a full comic book style page (unless it warranted it).
This update style makes things easier for when I start up on brand new chapters as far as keeping a good schedule, but it’s making it take FOOOOREEEEEVAR to get caught up to where I have a brand new chapter instead of the rebooted pages (granted, there have been many, many new pages created as part of the reboot, but this isn’t the same as brand new chapters of the comic)

Not making brand-new everything pages makes me more tired than an overworked Applejack.
So, in order to move things along as a wrap up the reboot work for Chapter Four, which is the chapter that sorely needs the most work, I’ve decided to alter the update schedule for Chapter Three so that there are five, count them, FIVE updates a week! That’s Monday – Friday of Fizzlebit adventure goodness! This will help us get to Chapter Four much sooner, and who knows? Maybe Chapter Four will have a more robust schedule as well. We shall see. 🙂