I will have a table at Wizard World Nashville! If you live near Nashville or will be in the area October 18 – 20th, you should totally go! The convention Wizard World put on in St. Louis back in March was wonderfully run and had all sorts of delightful convention activities, most of which I missed because I stay behind a booth selling swag and drawing for people. 🙂
I’m looking to have a new, full-color mini comic for the convention, if it doesn’t punch me in the face and knock me out first. There will be puppies, and they will be Princesses. <3 I’ll also have other minis, charms, and more!
When it gets closer to the con, I will make every effort to post the general table-area location where I’ll be. Although sometimes that changes at the last minute, but if you follow me on Twitter, I’ll update on there as well. HOLY SMOKES! I have a Twitter! (A lot of it is me yelling at pro-wrestling)