For those curious about the process and / or profession of making a webcomic, I wanted to share about a new book that’s currently on Kickstarter from Brad Guigar. For those unfamiliar with Kickstarter, this website allows for people/groups to present a project they’d like to create and the funding needed for that project. Interested people can then back that project for various amounts, and receive special rewards and / or first dibs on items from said project.
The Kickstarter is for the second edition / sequel to the wonderful “How to Make Webcomics” book, which was originally published in 2008 by Guiger and his trio of troublemaker friends Scott Kurtz, Kris Straub and Dave Kellett. My husband and I picked up How to Make Webcomics (often shortened to HTMW for short attention span sake) while attending C2E2 a few years back and managed to get 3 out of 4 of these talent fellow to sign it. (We managed to catch Dave Kellet at Comic-Con later that year, who signed that he was “the one who was too handsome to appear at C2E2”). The book has been invaluable as my husband and I have worked on our respective comics and we were both really excited to hear about the Kickstarter for the sequel.
The newly dubbed “Webcomics Handbook” is going to contain updated information on several chapters of the first book and cover newer topics that weren’t addressed previously, so I’m super stoked. Not only that,  but since the funding passed the amount that was originally needed, Guigar added some stretch goals as well, including new episodes of Webcomics Weekly, which I love to draw to. (Heads up that if you  have/are a small child or are not big on swearing: you may not be as big a fan, since there is some sailor talk occasionally.)
There’s still 3 days left on the Kickstarter for the Webcomic Handbook, so if you’ve ever wanted to make a webcomic and needed extra guidance, I highly recommend backing the project.