So for the last few weeks, I’ve made the point to thumbnail via sketchbook. I had fallen into the habit of only laying out one page at a time, instead of thumbnailing several in sequence.
The problem with this is that it puts so much focus on that one page, which will disrupt the overall flow of the story. Since Fizzlebit is meant to be read as long-form story comic / graphic novel, it’s important that the previous page flows into the next page without feeling too awkward. By drawing the layouts for several pages on one sheet of paper at a small scale (but not necessarily the size of your thumb!), it makes it a lot easier to spot mistakes or layout problems before investing too much into the page.
I still usually wind up moving panels about or scaling things down once I’ve scanned the thumbnails and have blown them up onto the digital page space. My thumbnails are still a little too sloppy to ink directly over them, so I still have some penciling to do but indecision of laying out the page is no longer an issue.
There’s still some Dancing Fizzlebit charms / earrings left from when I went to OMGcon. I’ve managed to figure out how to add them properly to Paypal, but still have to post them on a store website page so they can be bought. Here’s the illustration used to make the charms though!