Not actually a real dinosaur, Photosaurus hangs out by the Interstate until you notice him and stop for a visit.
Only one page this past week, as last weekend we took a small trip to visit a fabled land off the Interstate a few hours away, where DINOSAURS live. Namely, Dinosaur World.
Actually, dinosaurs apparently live in three different locations according to the Dinosaur World website. Someone very smart realized that they could take large chunks of land off the highway, build a very large eye-catching sign accompanied by a dinosaur, and ensnare small children and dinosaur-minded adults into a side trip to see life-sized dinosaurs hanging out in the woods.
I’ve personally been a sucker for dinosaurs since the age of 5, so I didn’t really need any sort of convincing. James simply had to say “Hey, you wanna go to Dinosaur World?”. Below is an abridged photo journal of some of the dinosaurs hiding in the woods.